Kids Online JavaScript Camp
In this camp program we will start from basics of JavaScript and build on it to finally close it with a Project showcase by using all the concepts.
The topics covered are listed by sessions below -
Session 1 Introduction to javascript & coding platform.
How to start coding
Session 1 Variables & Datatypes
Session 2 Interaction with users & Type Conversions
Session 3 Basic operator & Maths/Comparisons & assignment
Session 3-4 If , else if & else condition
Session 4 Logical Operator & Ternary Operators
Session 5 Loops (while & for )
Session 5 Loops (while & for ) - Project Showcase
Your student will learn how to code with JavaScript, the world's most popular coding language.
There is no experience necessary for this class and will be fun for everyone!
This is an interactive class with students encouraged to interact with other students and the instructor.
Your student will be amazed at what they can do at the end of camp and be ready to continue their coding journey.
Ages 11+
Price $275
Per class